Opening hours
We are open term time only (Banes term times):
Monday 8-4.30
Tuesday 8-4.30
Wednesday 8-4.30
Thursday 8-4.30
Friday 8-3.45
Available sessions - all day 8-4.30 (8-4 Friday) morning 8-2 preschool 9-3 afternoon 10-3.45.
You can add hours to a session at our normal hourly rate (please see fees page).
A typical day
8-9.30am - self registration, free choice from lots of lopes ended activities/toys linked to our continuous provision
9.30-11.30 - free flow play inside and outside, in the moment planning of continuous provision
10am -We offer a rolling snack which the children help themselves to, helping to chop/spread and prepare it
11.30 -phonics/songs/music time optional for all children
11.50 - story time for all
12pm - lunch - children are encouraged to serve and choose their own freshly made food that's laid out for them. They sit in their family key groups and eat with their key workers. We find staff eating with the children encourages them to eat and try new foods.
12.30 - quiet time puzzles/games/books to classical music - time for critical thinking and reflections
1pm -3free flow play inside and outside - some children sleep in our smaller room
1.45 - snack bar - self service snacks
2.45pm - optional songs/story/music/dancing
3pm - free choice continuous provision